Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.
If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).
St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details
The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be
Hello Purple Class, Mrs Smith here.
Please keep checking this page for updates.
We are so excited that you will all be coming back to school next Monday. We have missed you so much. So that we can prepare for you coming back there won't be on any online lessons on Friday. We will put some work on this page for you to do instead. Celebration assembly will be on Thursday at 2pm, not Friday.
Take care and we can't wait to see you.
Dear Parents,
There will be two zooms a day (Maths and English). I will do a half an hour guided task on Zoom, followed by an independent task to be completed after the lesson. I will also upload a weekly plan for English, Maths and Topic onto the class page. Use the Supporting Documents to help with Topic work. Please complete any home learning in your homework books, if you don't have your homework book, please collect from school.
I have created home learning packs that are available to collect from the school office. Learning packs are to be done as and when possible, in addition to the weekly lessons.
If you have finished your reading books, please email me to let me know. I will leave a new book in the school office for you to collect. Alternatively, there are many free books to access via the home learning links below.
It is really important to keep working hard at home. Make sure you keep to a routine. School work will be added to the website regularly.
If you haven't emailed your email address, please can you do so to receive the zoom links, which will be emailed out each morning.
If you have any questions or need any support at home please email
Thank you
Purple Class Staff
9.00-10.00 |
10.00-10.30 |
10.30-11.00 |
11.00-11.55 |
11.55-12.40 |
12.40-2.00 |
2.00-3.00 |
Monday |
English Zoom |
Spelling practice/ Handwriting |
Break |
Maths Zoom |
Lunch |
TTRockstars/ Purple Mash |
Tuesday |
English Zoom |
Spelling practice/ Handwriting |
Break |
Maths Zoom |
Lunch |
RE |
Dance / Joe Wicks |
Wednesday |
English Zoom |
Spelling practice/ Handwriting |
Break |
Maths Zoom |
Lunch |
Science |
TTRockstars/ Purple Mash |
Thursday |
English Zoom |
Spelling practice/ Handwriting |
Break |
Maths Zoom |
Lunch |
History |
Dance / Joe Wicks |
Friday |
English Zoom |
Spelling practice/ Handwriting |
Break |
Maths Zoom |
Lunch |
Art |
TTRockstars/ Purple Mash |
Next week is Be Yourself Week!
8th -12th February
Children, next week you can can wear your own clothes to express yourself. You might want to wear your favourite football teams kit, a top with your favourite character or you can even create your own top fill with all of the things your like. You can also come into school with your own hairstyles too. If you would like to do this at home that would be great. If you can send a picture, please do and we will display it in school.
Healthy Teeth
Amazing Confectionery Competition
Think about all those amazing sweets, cakes and biscuits you read about in books; Harry Potter’s Chocolate Frogs, Willy Wonka and his chocolate bars, the Gingerbread House in Hansel and Gretel.
We would like you to create your own, original sweet invention for a character in a book you have read. You can make your invention in any way you like, drawing, junk modelling, write a description or baking.
1st Prize - A Bundle of Books for your school
Runner Up Prizes - A signed book
The competition closes Friday 26th February 2021.
Winners will be announced in March
Message from Mrs Elder
I would just like to say a big thank you for engaging so positively with the home learning. I have been amazed to see how brilliantly everyone has adapted. As a mum I know how hard it must be to try and organise home learning for your children so once again I just want to say thank you.
If someone had told me a year ago that my staff would be teaching the children through Zoom I would not have believed them. However, we are here now and I am so proud of them all. They all have their own commitments outside of school and many have their own home schooling to deliver too. As a mum I now know more about GCSE maths than I ever did when I was at school!
Thank you so much for your ongoing support, we are learning as you are and we are in this together. Hopefully it will not be for too much longer. As always please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions.
Please take care and stay well. With God’s help we will see each other again soon.
Please complete any home learning in your homework books. I do not expect you to print off any resources. For Maths, write the question and answer in your book.
If you need your Login details for TTRockstars or Purple mash, please email me.
If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, please feel free to email me at any time.
In addition, I would love to see any pictures or work that you have completed.
Please regularly check our class page for more updates and home learning activities.
See you all soon
Mrs Smith
Click here for activities you can do with your
parents/carers to help you with online safety at home
If you would like a hard copy of the Home Learning pack, please collect from reception.
I have included extra exercise books for Maths and Grammar.
If you need any help, please email me.
Think about parts of the human body.
write the names of the parts of the human body.
add the labels to your own body, make sure you take pictures.
Maps of your local area
Create a map of your house.
add a key
Write a persuasive letter to Father Christmas asking him to come to your house first on Christmas eve.
Include lots of persuasive language.
Complete each lesson
Create a Christmas tessellation.
I have had lots of emails about all of your Home Learning!
Keep up the hard work Purple Class.
Welcome to the Purple Class page, here you will find updates of what we have been up to in class and some useful links.
Remember our safety rules whilst learning online and always check anything you are unsure about. If anything makes you feel unsure, don't forget STOP! BLOCK! TELL!
Start of the day
To ensure a smooth transition at the beginning of the day there will be a member of staff on the door to address any concerns. If you would like to speak to a member of staff at the end of the day please wait until all the children have been collected to ensure all children are delivered to parents safely. If you feel you would like to make an appointment to speak to Mrs Smith, please do so at the school office.
Homework will be handed out every Friday and collected in the following Thursday. There will be one English and one Maths piece of Homework a week.
Purple Class Homework rules
Reading books
We aim to check reading books every day, whether your child has read their book or not, please bring it in so we can read with them in school.
Children are to come into school, in their PE kits on Thursdays for PE. PE kits consist of a white top, black pants or shorts and trainers. Please also provide a coat or a school jumper as we will be trying to have our PE lessons outside as much as possible.
Please ensure all items of uniform, coats and bags have names in them.
Library Books
Each child in Purple Class will be taken to our school library on a Tuesday and will able to choose a book to keep in their tray.
Year 2 SATs
The Year 2's will be doing their SATs in the middle of May. The children will be tested on their Maths and English skills. Please be reassured that we deliver these tests in such a way as to ensure it is not stressful for the children; if you have any questions please ask.