
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).

St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details

The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be

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Life Education Van 


The children had an exciting visit from Harold the giraffe. We had lots of fun learning about our bodies and how to keep healthy

King’s Coronation 


The children had lots of fun celebrating the Kings coronation.

In Flamingoes the children have been looking at connections based on their current science topics. 


Year 1- Animals including humans


The children had to make connections between the different animal groups. 

The children looked at the similarities and differences between the different animals. The children then had a challenge to create their own creature connecting all the different features of the animal groups. 

Year 1- Connections with animal groups

Year 2- Animals including humans


The year 2s looked at the connections between the different food groups. They had to look at the connections of how they help our bodies to stay healthy. 


The children had to create their own meals, connecting all the different food groups together. 

The children then had to explain why they were important and how they are connected to help our bodies be healthy. 

Year 2 - Connections with food groups


We had the most amazing day! 

The children enjoyed lots of exciting activities linked to our class story 'Aladdin' and key vocabulary. 


Children created their own magic carpets using different key vocabulary to help describe it. They had to work as a team and then go to the 'Vocabulary station' to collect lots of key words. The children had lots of fun using the different resources to decorate their magic carpets. 

'Magic carpet snacks'


The children enjoyed making their own 'magic carpet snack' Using lots of exciting ingredients the children decorated their own carpet snack. 



Magic carpet snacks

Key vocabulary activities 

Character description using key vocabulary


The children carried out human bingo with Miss Barry to show how we are all unique and special


Mental Health Awareness Week


The children created pictures using string to show who they are connected too. The children could identify 5 people who they can trust and go to if they need anything.


Mental Health Awareness Week 


The children learnt the story of Rainbow fish. The story helped the children understand the importance of friendship and how we are all connected. The children created their own rainbow fish to show the different attributes and qualities needed to be a good friend. 

'Rainbow fish' 


Mental Health Awareness Week


The children continued their work on connecting and learning the different qualities needed to be a good friend. The children learnt the importance of friendship and discussed ways they can be kind and connected to each other. ​​​​​​

The children created friendship bracelets to show kindness to each other. 

Friendship bracelets 


Internet safety day- Tuesday 7th February 2023 

The children carried out different activities to understand the importance of keeping safe online. 


Human Bingo- Online safety 

Magic window 

Happy Valentines Day! 

NSPCC- Number Day 2023

Christmas dinner

Christmas crafts


The children carried out different activities to support Anti-Bullying Week. 


The children had a workshop to look at the importance pf Anti-bullying and understanding the meaning of bullying.  The children created hands to represent "Kind" hands for friendship. The children had lots of fun carrying out the different activities. 
