
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).

St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
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Red Class

Let’s learn sounds...

Set 1 sounds

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Set 2 sounds

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Set 3 sounds

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Getting ready for year 1

Join us in our quest to support the Summer of Hope

Hope for the summer

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Visit the Cafod website to get involved. There are lots of fundraising ideas you can do at home to go towards a lot of good causes during this time. We need your help!

Week Commencing: 13th July

Week commencing: 6th July

Hello Red class. I hope you have enjoyed watching the sound videos. 
This week we are going to be learning about Wild animals. Our story focus this week is “The Tiger who Came to Tea”.

Word mat to go with the story.

Make your own animal tea party.

Design a meal for the tiger...

Tiger craft ideas...

Research tigers and make a fact file.

Design your own label for a can of tiger food.

Book review on our book of the week.


Visit this website to learn more cool things about Tigers:

Week commencing: 29th June 2020

Hello Red class. This week we are having a seaside theme. Although it is very rainy outside today, we can only dream of visiting the seaside on a sunny day. 
I hope you enjoy the seaside themed activities this week and I hope the weather improves. 

Sunny days at the beach

It feels like a long time since I was at St Anne’s beach in Lytham. If you have been to beach, write about your experience. 


Have a go at some of these activities:

Make a list...

Make your own seaside interest table...

Listen to this story on YouTube...

How much do the ice creams cost?

Key vocabulary for the week:

Make your own mermaids...

Make your own slime

Mrs Scott’s super slime recipe:


Shaving foam

PVA glue

Food colouring

Borax Activator 


Mindfulness colouring, seaside themed.

Seaside activities at home

Get ready for some super wriggly fun....

Week commencing 22nd June 


This week is all about worms. 

  • Watch and listen to the story of superworm. 
  • Learn the superworm chant, perform at home!
  • Go on a worm hunt, count how many you can  see? 
  • Order them from smallest to biggest. 


Check out these cool websites for more interesting facts about worms:

Get creative making your own worms. You can use plain dough.

Wiggly Worm Addition Activity

This looks really fun if you get chance to try it...

Counting with worms

Olivia's Superworm work...

Look at this amazing wormery...


Make up your own worm chant! 


Week commencing:15th June

This week we will be learning about bees. 

Look at these amazing bees by Olivia

Complete a KWL grid before you start learning about bees. 
what you know...

what you want to know...

what you have learned (at the end). 

Make a bee interest table with whatever you can find...

Bee planters

Bee toilet roll holder crafts

Make a list of the nice qualities you have.

Make your own acrostic poem up...

Get creative: make your own bee maths games

Look at this Busy Bee...

Hi Red Class.

I hope you are all doing ok. 
This weeks theme is about rain as we are expecting a few rainy days. Hopefully you will find the activities fun. I will also post some other fun things I’ve been making at home. 😀We are still really missing you loads. I will be in school this week, so I am looking forward to seeing some of you who are in. Take care and stay safe 🌈

Daily Prayers

Week commencing: 8th June

Rainy days

Make your own rain catcher...

Puddle jumping

Get some old boots or your wellie bobs on and enjoy splashing in puddles. 
Splish Splash Splosh! 

Look at this super splashing...

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Can you use the weather word mat to describe the weather?

Weather fun...

Make your own weather station

Keep a weather diary...

Check out this website for some work around water safety!

Look at how amazing this is...

You Are My Sunshine!!

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Important Information about the reopening of school

Double trouble having fun in school 🤣🤣

Half-term fun activities to try...

Week commencing 25th May

Any shaving foam at home? This is a great sensory activity to try and the kids love it at school. Write or hid some numbers in a tray or large dish. Then spray the shaving foam on. Use a figure or children’s favourite toy (preferably plastic) to find the numbers. 
This activity is also great for developing imaginations. 
See what your child does with the foam. 
Please take care if your child has any allergies. 

Water bead fun

Water beads make a great malleable and sensory activity. They are very versatile.

I bought this rainbow pack from eBay. 

They are not edible. Children must be supervised at all times when playing with these. 

Water balloons with letter sounds

Any left over balloons in the house? 
I filled some with water and wrote some letter sounds on them. You can also write numbers or play other games with them. 
If you use balloons they don’t pop as easily. 

Letter games

Use a simple letter sound may off

or make your own. 
Use counters or small toys or cover up the letters if the children get them correct. 
My little boy loves the mini dinosaurs. 

Make your own numberline

This is a great activity for ordering numbers and visually representing the quantity at the same time. 
Your child can check the different amounts by counting them. 

Loads of maths in one activity! 

You can make this more challenging by playing which numbers are missing in the sequence. Remove some cards. 
You can also add some misconceptions in to the game. E.g muddle the numbers up in the wrong order to see if your child can spot the mistakes and put it right. 

Lolly stick art

Loose parts play. 

Ideas for making your own art using the following or similar objects: 






curtain hoops

nuts and bolts


I look forward to seeing your creations. 


Make your own potions

This is a great way to get your child talking and using new words. 

This activity is so open ended because all you need is water and you can use anything!


At school, we enjoy using mud🤣🤣


In this activity your child will develop their imaginative skills and creativity. 

A really bubbly tea party 🥳

I know how much red class love their tea parties with teddies, dolls and even our dinosaurs. 
This is a tea party with a twist. Add your own bubbles to make your toys some fantastic bubbly drinks. 

Please do not drink the bubbles 🤣

Reading key words

Make your own magic wand to help you read some key words. 

This wand was made with a straw and tinfoil. 

Key words also known as high frequency words can be found online. Most of the words are not decodable (we can’t fred them out and blend them together) but some are. These are the words that need practising over and over again. 

This is one way to make it fun! 

Outdoor art

Mylo said he’s glad you liked your sweeties and message 🌈

Be Kind...

Medicspot is calling all St Joseph's Roman Catholic Primary School, Stacksteads, Bacup children to share their creative ideas to help encourage frequent hand washing. Find out how you can enter and win £500 for St Joseph's Roman Catholic Primary School, Stacksteads, Bacup here:

Story time with Mrs Scott

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We'll meet again

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A message from Mrs Scott

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Thank you for all your hard work red class. Stay safe and keep smiling. If you need anything email me at:

Part 2

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Happy Friday... look who has wrote his name... 👏👏👏

Our Class Birthdays

Happy 4th Birthday


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A message to you all from the staff

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Welcome to Red Class


God wants me to be the best me I can be....

Here is my email address. 

Please drop me any questions or any pictures of your home learning challenges. I cannot wait to see them. 

If you have a printer these are some lovely colouring sheets: Blessed Heroes

Mylo having fun in the garden at home. He's been working on his basketball skills.

Week commencing: 18th May

This week we will be having a focus on Pope Francis’ mission: Care for the common home. 
This has been a huge focus for us and other schools across the world. At St. Joseph’s, we have done a number of projects to help contribute to this mission. We accepted the invitation to make a change! 

Click on the link for the Cafod link to read Pope Francis’ letter.

This week is Laudato Si week.

Some daily activity ideas and reflections.

Fantastic work!

Take some time to have a go at planting.

Use left over seeds to dry out and sprout again before potting in soil.


Some more activities to try...

Rainbow people hearts

Make your own rainbow people. 
You can put them in your garden or in a room in your house to brighten it up. 
If you go for a walk you could leave one on a neighbours door step to let them know you are thinking about them 🌈😀😀

Make all things “Rainbow” to put outside your house.

Make a family handprint picture or rainbow flower.

Rainbow pasta

Some read and respond units from the Lancashire Team: Farm Theme


The English Team have put together some phonic games. This one is called Hunt the sound. 



NRICH Early Years


Follow the link for some exciting maths games and activities you can try and adapt at home:

Week commencing 11th May

Hi everyone. I hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend. If you celebrated VE Day at home, please email me your photographs of the weekend. 😀

My neighbour made me some lovely scones and rocky roads (she knows I’m not good at baking 🤣)

Get active with the Forky game. Visit change 4 life

Design a poster to promote eating 5 a day!

Have a go at making cheesy tomatoes on toast. 😋😋😋

Research another countries food and culture.

Fabulous work on Italy...

Don’t forget phonics sessions are on YouTube daily!! Don’t miss out 😀


Have a go at the writing challenge today:


Can you write a sentence about what your favourite food is?


Remember to practise forming your letters correctly and the same size. 📝

Bread making.


Watch the Tesco eat project video and learn how to make bread.


Listen to the story of:

Little Red Hen

Think about how else you can look after yourself.

Week commencing 4th May

This week we will be starting a new topic about keeping healthy.

In this picture are lots of foods that we like. 
Do you think this picture shows healthy or unhealthy foods? 

Keep a food diary to keep track of the foods you eat in a week. 

Get your morning started with some exercises.

Make a list of all the healthy foods you know. Put a smiley face next to which ones you like. 😀

Make your own fruit salad...

Make a list of what you put in your fruit salad. 
How will you make yours? 

Mrs Scott likes her fruit salad with a teaspoon of honey and a dallop of natural yogurt 😋😋😋

Look at these delicious fruit salads...

Sorting foods...

Where does our food come from?

Can you make a fruity face? You can make it with real fruit or draw it!

Visit the change 4 life website for some cool ideas.

Research how much sugar is in the foods we like.

Communication and Language ideas

Week commencing 27th April 

The Rainbow Fish

Listen to the story of the rainbow fish online:

Super cool turtle printing...

Make your own printing tools using pegs..

More printing ideas...

Make your own letter sounds or words shark game...

Reception- practise making different amounts using twigs or straws.

How many games can you play with a 100 square?

Try out the BBC lesson on Counting in 10s and 1s.


Happy 100th Birthday Captain Tom

Research what a rock pool is.

Draw or make your own rock pool.

Reading challenge. How many of these words do you know?

Practise counting in 10’s. Can you fill in the blank spaces?

Make your own rainbow pebbles

If you get chance to get outside for your daily exercise, see if you can collect some stones or pebbles if it is safe to do so( not from gardens😃unless it’s your own)

Decorate them with pens, crayons or paint. 

When your finished, re hide them in the community for others to find. 😀😀

Can you make your own stickman?

Collect some sticks. Can you make your own stickman. 


You can watch the video on bbc iplayer




It's brilliant!! 



I'm Stickman, that's me!

Thank you for your excellent questions. Your not too late if you have anymore. Here are the cool fact answers.

Week commencing: Monday 20th April

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a good break last week at home. 
This term our topic is called “Fishy Fun” building on the work we did last year about keeping our oceans clean. 

I will be posting activities around this topic throughout the week. 
As a starter to the topic, we usually do a thought shower in class. Have a go at these at home. If you have a particular interest during this topic, let me know. 

Some great thoughtshowers from our Reception pupils.

Sea creature arts and crafts

Use recycled materials around the home to make your favourite sea creature. 

Check out this cool e-book

Shark in the Park Fun (Follow up activities from our World Book Day!)

Sea creature fun...

Helping your child at home with Maths

Phonics Bloom


Great Flashcard game

Access to Free e books through Lancashire Libraries.


Lancashire libraries are giving children and adults free access to e books and a few other things. All parents have to do is sign up to the service.


Daily lessons online for all ages. Check it out :-)


LPDS have put together some online activities.

The Government have launched this online learning tool. 

Have a lovely Easter everyone. Stay safe! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Love from the EYFS Team. 

Fabulous work from our kids in school...

A message from Mrs Scott

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Mrs Scott practising for the staff toilet roll challenge 🤣🤣

Check out this website. It has lots of things all in one place: 

Another useful list from the Government-Home learning.

Supporting learning anywhere

In this unprecedented time, we want to reassure you that we are here to support you to ensure that children are able to continue their Read Write Inc. learning journey away from the classroom.

We have made a wide range of free resources available which you can recommend to parents for them to use with their children at home. This includes:

  • 72 eBooks matched to Read Write Inc. levels
  • 62 Speed Sounds practice sheets
  • 28 Ditty sheets
  • 8 Speedy Green Words slideshows
  • My Set 1 Speed Sounds Book as an eBook
  • My Sets 2 & 3 Speed Sounds Book as an eBook
  • 3 Speed Sounds Slideshows

The homepage has also been fully refreshed to help parents find the right support for their child.


A fabulous book for children about the Corona Virus. 

A message from Mylo...

I am missing all of you so much. I got a little bit bored so I ran off with Mummy’s (Mrs Elder’s) tea towel so that she would chase me. I am keeping her busy but am missing you all. Please look after yourselves and hopefully I will see you soon.
Love Mylo XX

Holy Week

Learn about Palm Sunday. 

Have a go at making your own palm leaves and acting out this part of the Easter story. 


Big question: "Why did the people shout Hosanna at Jesus?"



Video Resources From Rhema. 


Dear friends, Amidst all this uncertainty, we are offering these film resources for families at home as well as schools completely free of charge this Easter. Just simply log onto and sign up and you can stream 11 short RE Easter films to remember Easter or for education for pupils at home. Hoping they’re useful to you and your networks. You're welcome to share the website freely.


Many thanks, Becky

Rhema Productions

Easter Activities


Follow in the footsteps of Jesus’ followers as they travel from Jerusalem to Emmaus and get talking to someone who gives them the biggest surprise of all! Resource 1 visits the Eater Story for KS1 children.

Make an Easter Garden. 

We all love a good sing song to John Burland.

This is a message from him:


In these very challenging times and with the transition to Remote Learning Online I wanted to provide some RE music resources to support learning during this time.  Please find below a FREE link to my music resources for Holy Week and Easter.


The folder contains song audio, song words and song videos.


Holy Week-Easter Music Resources from John Burland

Easter fun...

Check out this super cool robot...

Friday 3rd April

Pizza number game. 
Have fun making your own pizza using paper plates or by cutting out circles. 
Paint your favourite pizza toppings. Then cut them out into slices. 
Match the amount of toppings to the correct numbers on the other plate. (Sections divided up). 

Counting with any items at home.

Counting fun...


Collect as many loose parts from around your home that you can practise counting. The more random the item the better! 🤣


Make a counting box with random things in. Remember we can count anything. Everything doesn’t have to be the same. 😀

Shape finder...

Make your own shape finders. Keep a record of what shapes you can find in your home. 🌈

Bottle top phonics

Make your own phonics game using cups and recycled bottle tops. 

The picture is just an example with the special friends: th sh and ch


Post the words with the correct sounds. 

Friday fun...

Make up your own game or make a giant o and x game. 
Have fun. We will soon be having our Golden time together, where we can play games! 😀😀😀😀

Thursday 2nd April

Any old flowers around? 
Try this colour experiment. 
Add normal food colouring in a glass. Dilute with water. Add your flower. 
Observe over the next few days what it looks like. I will keep you posted on mine 😀😀

Daisy fun

Create your own daisy picture with this easy folding technique to create an amazing 3D collage of daisies. 

Imaginary World

Design and make your own imaginary world. This can be done indoors or in a garden space. 
you can use any figures, dolls, dinosaurs, LOL dolls or make your own cardboard figures. 

Will you imaginary world have:

Something to climb ?

Somewhere to hide?

A secret tunnel ?

A magical path to follow?

Some hidden treasure ?



Make your own vets or hospital

Round up your teddies or animal teddies and make your own vets. Alternatively you can use dolls or action figures to create your own hospital. 
Ask mums and dads if you can borrow a few plasters and maybe a bandage from

the first aid box 😀


Have fun role-playing! 

Wednesday 1st April

Savenger hunt pictures...

Tuesday 31st March 

Egg box crafts. Get creative with leftover food packaging!

Frosty fun. Freeze some toys in different sized containers.

Make your own hungry caterpillar snack... watch the story online

Funky hair pictures.

The Smeds and the Smoos. 

This is one of my new favourite stories by Julia Donaldson. 
I look forward to reading it to Red class. 
You can watch it on YouTube read by a lady called Fi. 
If you have it at home read it with your family. It always makes me smile at the end 😀

Number writing challenge...


Practise writing your numbers. How far can you get? 
What is the biggest number you can write? 

Our Super Scientist...

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Our reception pupil is experimenting with floating and sinking.

Monday 30th March 


Good morning Red class and parents. I hope you had a lovely weekend. 

I will leave last weeks suggested activities on this page until the end of the week, then I will make them into a file for you to access. 


Some of our favourite websites to try: 


Phonics Play has lots of games to practice your phonic skills. It has lots of information for parents on it about phonics. 

It has a free log in and password to use at the moment.


Username: march20

Password: home




This website is great for maths games, ordering numbers etc. 



Tens Frames 


In Red class Reception have been practising making different amounts on these ten frames.

Some children have been making numbers up to 20 and seeing what they are made up of. For example 18 is made up of 10 and 8.    7 is made up of 5 and 2. 

Use the link below to get interactive tens frames. (For numbers up to 20, you will need 2 frames)





This week we will be learning about a new Faith: Sikhism.

This would have been our Faith week in school.

Click on the documents to learn something new.

Make a mini book about Sikhism.


Some videos of Sikh festivals/celebrations can be found on the cbeebies website. 

Look at these fantastic fact books on Sikhism. Well done!

Feeling crafty? Check out these beautiful butterflies...

Any left over veg? Chop it up and use for printing. You can always use toys with a flat bottom.

Fabulous Veggie Printing by our Reception pupil....

Friday 27th March

Shadow drawings

Today is going to be a sunny day. 
Get your favourite toys lined up to do some cool shadow drawings.

Milk bottle garages

Recycle some empty plastic bottles to make your own dolls houses or garages for your cars. 

Excellent work on a Friday morning...

Make a giant number phone

You can play lots of open ended number games with this from jumping on single numbers to making two digit numbers. 
You can even give some instructions: 

  • Move left
  • Move right
  • Move two spaces forwards

What number am I on? 

Make a castle

Use left over cardboard, empty kitchen and toilet rolls to make your own castle. 

Our fabulous castle maker...

Very Proud of this superstar today for doing a "Good deed".

Thursday 26th March

Start your day with a healthy breakfast. 😀

Ask a grown up to do any cutting. 👍🏻

Wakey wakey with the Animal Boogie



Red class should know this well! 

Get creative with dough

Collect some items of interest. These can be stones, pebbles or twigs, fallen flowers from outdoors. 
you might have other things inside to use such as pebbles, gems and old jewellery. 

Make some dough and see how many different things you can make. Be sure to take lots of photographs 😃

Simple dough recipe  can be found on the home learning list at the bottom of the page. 

Practice counting backwards from 20. 
This is a really groovy song we love in our class to help us:

Speed sounds challenge

How fast can you say your speed sounds? 

“Super speedy reading” 😃😃

Make a card to brighten someone’s day

Wednesday 25th March

Phonics for Reception


Practice Fred talking and reading the words. 

Note for parents: visit this link to find out about Fred talk. Ruth Miskin herself explains what it is.

Super Sunny Phonics..

Make a quiet reading area or den in your house

Make a quiet reading area in your house or a den using spare bedding or towels. 

  • Read your favourite book in this area. 
  • Pick out some tricky words to talk about. 
  • Read to a family member. 
  • Act out the story. 
  • Draw a story board. 

Make an interest table or area

Make an interest table of something you really like. 
Display items if you can. If not draw pictures and display them. 
Parents make a short video of your child doing a show and tell about their interest table.


Talk about why you have chosen the things for your interest table. 

Swat the numbers

Cut up some squares. 
Write numbers 1-5 (Nursery)

Write numbers 1-20 (Reception)


Muddle all the numbers up. Call out a number and you have to swat the number. Use your hand or something safe to swat the numbers. 
If you get the numbers correct put them to one side.  Also make a pile of the ones you didn’t get right to practice them again. 

Water play

What you will need to make your own water area:


  • a plastic box, tray or large bowls. 
  • safe metal or plastic utensils or spoons. 
  • measuring jugs (if you gave them at home)


Please ensure an adult is supervising at all times where water is used. Thank you. 😃




Unlock your child's maths confidence with Carol Vorderman's maths site for 4-11 year olds. Kids can watch her maths videos, play games, practise and get a REAL MEDAL with the 30 day challenge.
You just need to register!


Our super dancer in school.

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Tuesday 24th March. A prayer to start the day:

Visual timetable

This is a good idea for keeping the children in a good routine.

This is one I made from home using a cardboard box cut up into pieces and some felt pens. 😃 

When each task has been completed ask your child to stack them, post them in a box/tub so they can have a sense of achievement 👍🏻

Make a family tree

Have fun looking through some family photographs. Look at some photographs of when you were younger. 

  • Put together a family tree
  • Draw your house or your favourite place
  • Draw and write about some places you have visited in your lifetime 

Make a tea party or picnic for your favourite toys

Planning a tea party. 
Make invitations for your favourite toys:

Design them, decorate them and write them out. 
Make a list of the things you need for the party:

game ideas, snacks and drinks. 
Find a space to set up your tea party.

Most of all have fun! 


Mums, dads and relatives please email me some pictures! 😀

Thank you for your tea party pictures.... Keep them coming!!

Missing numbers maths game

Missing numbers maths game. 

For this game you may need: 


strips of paper or lolly sticks.


you can use this game with numbers to 10, 20 or beyond! 

Missing numbers activity. Well done to our nursery pupil :-)

Paint and wash your plastic toys.

Paint and wash some of your plastic toys. 
Please check parents permission about which toys you can paint please. 

If you don’t have any paint, give your toys a good old bath in a bowl of soapy water.😃

Practice this:

Practice looking at the dots to see if you can say how many are there without counting them. 
Some are easier than others. 

Free Audio Stories read by David Walliams:

Monday 23rd March

Good morning Red Class. Today’s challenge is to think about your favourite Disney character or Superhero.

How many can you name?

Draw and write about your favourite character. 
Then have a go at inventing your own Princess or Superhero. I look forward to seeing them. 

Mrs Scott 😀

Counting Activity

Still image for this video
This is my fish tank. The video plays for 20 seconds. How many fish can you count in this time?

Make your own malleable area at home

What you will need:

  • an empty box or lid
  • spoons 
  • small bowls, cups or cupcake bases
  • 2 cups of rice or pasta


Live Phonics lessons

Home learning challenges 


Make a den 

Find 10 things in the house that are red

Find 10 things larger than a banana

Sing your favourite nursery rhyme 

Make a mud pie

Make playdough

Recipe- 1 cup of water, 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of oil, food colouring and mix it all together

Read a new book 

Create a fairy world in the garden 

Retell your favourite story 

Practise reading your school book 

Have a tea party 

Make a sandwich


We will keep updating our class pages.



Mrs Scott, Miss Colak and Miss Goodwin 



Remember our safety rules whilst learning online and always check anything you are unsure about. If anything makes you feel unsure, don't forget STOP! BLOCK! TELL!

Well done to our Nature Walkers

This week we are building on the children's interests from World Book Day and we are focusing on sharks and other sea creatures. 

United Utilities Worshop

The Planetarium Dome

Our School Bee-Attitudes

Phonics in action...

Mad about numbers...

Spring Term Fun in Red Class

Our Curiosity Cuboid....

Our Creative Construction Award goes to...



We would like to welcome Miss Walker to our setting, who is training to be a teacher at Manchester University. She will be doing some teaching in Red Class over the next few weeks. 

The mysterious egg....

Dinosaur Printing

Counting using a variety of maths equipment



Sounds we have learnt so far in phonics are:


From m to x

Our new sounds this week have been: ng and nk


Red Class are now working on writing words and sentences using Fred spelling to help them. If you would like to know more information about this please speak to a member of staff. 

Our new sound blending books


Please can you practise the new sound blending books with your child. Please return these daily as we use them in our phonics lesson. 

These have superseded our oxford reading tree scheme as we are promoting using decodable books inline with our phonics scheme. However, if you would like any additional books to promote the love of reading at home, please ask and we will be more than happy to supply additional books. 

Meet our Numberlanders….


This week we have been learning Twisty Twelve. See if you can remember the dance at home!

Book Start

Reception pupils were very excited to take their Bookstart packs home. 



This term are topics are "All about me" and "People who help us".

Autumn Term Overview

Well done to the EYFS Team for gaining a Quality Mark in Early Years again.

The EYFS team are celebrating achieving the Lancashire Quality Mark in Mathematics.

How to help your Reception child at home:


Read sound blending books daily.

Read books for enjoyment and talk about them.

Practise writing letters and their name. (First and last names)


Practise counting to 5, 10 and 20. (Beyond if they can)

Count in 2's, 5's and 10's.

Writing numerals. 


Talk about interests in school and at home. 

Useful documents