
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).

St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details

The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be

Home Page

Green Class

Welcome to Green Class!


On our class pages, you will be able to find out more about "Team Green": the children, staff and curriculum. In Green Class, we uphold the highest academic standards whilst enjoying our learning - we really do believe that the sky is the limit!


Our teacher is Mrs Sanderson; Miss Goodwin also teaches a number of subjects such as Science, Art, PSHE and Computing. Mrs Kay and Miss Young support our class.



Year 6 - Job Junction

Green Class: Information for Parents

Rhema Theatre: Anti-Bullying Week

Green Class had amazing fun learning with Rhema Theatre during Anti-Bullying week using to drama to explore these important themes.




Come to the our British Values Assembly on the theme of DEMOCRACY! (2.45pm, 19.9.17)

What do YOU want to be?

Still image for this video

Curriculum newsletter (Autumn 1, 2017)

Whole Year Curriculum

In Green class the year 6 children were visited by Heart start. They took part in first aid training. and were taught how to treat minor injuries and life saving CPR. They thoroughly enjoyed learning these new life skills and we hope they use these to their advantage. 

At St Joseph's the children and parents took part in a Maths day. Each class planned some challenging and exciting problem solving. The parents were invited to look round each class and joined in with the children while they took part in fun maths activities.  

Many positive comments were made by the parents' about the activities including ideas from themselves for future activity days. 

Here are some pictures from the fun we had in Green class. 

The school took part in a science day. We had a visit from Flash bang science, which provided us which lots of exciting activities and investigations. The children took part in an experiment which involved them learning how different chemicals work with other objects and solutions. 


Here are Green class having fun with science. 



As this week is Holy week, we had a visit from Rhema Theatre Company who provided each class with a work shop to focus on the events that occurred during this week. 

The children had lots of fun learning about the importance of Holy week. 

In Green class we worked in groups to re-tell the Easter story. They had to create freeze frames to show different parts, for example, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, The tomb and Easter Sunday. 




It is so important that your child is reading regularly at home. Reading regularly increases your child's fluency as a reader, which in turn makes their whole learning experience much easier and more efficient.  Furthermore, it enables your child to engage with and enjoy books and enter new worlds of imagination. It develops their vocabulary and helps their understanding of what it is to be a human!


Even if your child is a fluent reader, it is still important that they read regularly at home, preferably out loud. Talking about books is fantastic learning for your child; asking simple questions that expect your child to find information from the text, or asking children to explain or look up new words. It's also good to keep asking "why?" e.g. "Why do you think that character said that? What are they thinking?" Why not ask your child to predict what will come next... and don't forget to ask "why" they think that!


Your child has been given a reading book; they may bring their book in to be changed on any day of the week. A record is kept of how often they are changing their reading books.




Have a look on our Maths curriculum page (Parents/Curriculum/Maths) for more information on how to support your child at home with their mathematical learning.



Spelling is taught both as a discrete lesson and as part of the whole curriculum. Children learn about spellings in three ways:


  • National Curriculum statutory spelling lists - your child has already taken part in a baseline spelling assessment, and will be receiving a set of individual spellings to practise at home. These are tricky words and so it would be useful for your child to learn about three per week. Don't forget to support your child to learn the words' meanings, too! This baseline spelling assessment will be repeated just before half term to check your child's progress.
  • Spelling rules - Year 5 and Year 6 children learn spelling in separate year group classes. Each week, they take an active part in learning spelling rules, playing spelling games to support their learning, and making their own deductions about these rules. These will be tested in class as each spelling rule is learnt; of course, the important thing is that they don't just remember spellings for a test, but can use them effectively in their writing!
  • Individual spellings - these provide an individual focus for your child in their written work in school. Your child will also be given the opportunity to learn these spellings using various iPad apps. Why not have a look at free spelling apps such as "Spelling Free" in order to support your child's learning?

Our Class Assembly about Democracy

Anti-Bullying Week (13th November 2017)

In Green Class, we have been writing poems in response to bullying using simile and metaphor. Here is a poem by Brandon:


Bullying is a knife at a thousand degrees digging into my heart;

Bullying is a bomb detonated by my soul...BANG!

One million tears make a pond then...

That pond becomes a bald bird that has been bullied throughout its life.

Like me, I am this bald bird.

Destroyed life. Feeling alone. No back up. Nothing;


People do this for fun;

You could have a friend, but no, not even a friend that will stick up for you

To help you through hard times.
