
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).

St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details

The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be

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                     God wants me to be the best me I can be in 

                         Religious Education.....


The exciting things that I will learn in R.E at St. Joseph's:


In R.E at St. Joseph's, we are beginning to implement the new Religious Education Directory in preparation for 2025, when this is statutory. We are providing our pupils the opportunity to become active participates of their learning. Allowing every child to met their full potential as unique children of God. 


We have made sure to provide our children with the skills to become Missionary Disciples. To understand the importance of Catholic Social Teaching and echo the teachings of Pope Francis’ mission to care for our common home and catholic social teaching. Pope Francis states that as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents. . 

Pupils question, reflect, respond and make links to all aspects of the Catholic faith through a deep understanding of Scripture.  


As part of our R.E curriculum, the children will also study the following religions:


  • Judaism
  • Hinduism
  • Islam
  • Sikhism 


The exciting things that will take place in R.E:


  • Examining artefacts from other faiths.
  • Visits to places of worship.
  • Visitors that represent other faiths.
  • Lessons outside in our worship/well-being area.
  • Role-play and productions.
  • Rhema Theatre visits at Easter.
  • Themed religious days: art, scripture, wood work, baking. 


Why do I need to know this?


Religious Education in our school is at the centre of everything we do, it develops the whole child, by encouraging spiritual and religious development and developing the ability to reflect and make judgements. At St Joseph’s RC Primary School Religious Education offers us the living experience of faith through our distinctive Catholic nature.


Example of EYFS planning

Come and See Units

Theological stepping stones

Information for parents and teachers about the Sacraments

Other Faiths 


    Teaching your child to pray at home ideas

    Finding strength in scripture

    Inspection 2024

    We were inspected on the 11th and 12th July 2024 by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate. 

    We received an overall effectiveness grade of "Good". 
