Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.
If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).
St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details
The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be
Welcome to Yellow Class
God wants me to be the best me I can be
Here you will find updates of what we have been up to in class and some useful links.
The staff in Yellow class are:
Class teacher: Ms Walsh
Teaching Assistant: Miss Perkins
Outdoor Learning in Yellow Class
Rise Theatre: Parable of the Mustard Seed.
Sleeping Saint Joseph
Samba Bamba Man’s visit
NSPCC Number Day
Extra Homework Over Half Term:
Hello Everyone! I hope you're having a fantastic half term holiday. Don't forget, your homework was to practise your times tables (especially the ones you're struggling with), look at key red and orange words and get some independent reading done. If you're still happy to do more, I've attached three sheets for you to have a go at...
Children's Mental Health Week 2021
Wellbeing Wednesday - join our Zoom in the Afternoon!
Links will be emailed out to you to join our fun afternoon Zoom to mark Children's Mental Health Week.
Important information.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As you will be aware our school will be delivering remote online learning for our pupils.
If parents would like to collect a home learning pack for pupils, they will be available to collect from Tuesday 5th January from the school office.
Alternatively, I will be putting some activities for all pupils on this class page. Please try to complete some of the tasks. They can be emailed to me at:
If you haven't emailed your email address, please can you do so as the links for the zoom meetings will be sent via email.
Thank you for your support!
School Zoom Timetable
Dear Parents, this is the revised remote learning timetable for the different classes. They will commence from Wednesday 6th January.
9.00-9.30 Blue and Purple Class Zooms
9.30-10.00 Red and Green Class Zooms
10.00-10.30 Yellow Class Zoom
10.30-11.00 Red and Green Class Zooms
11.00-11.30 Blue and Purple Class Zooms
11.30-12.00 Yellow Class Zoom
Daily Worship
Reading Journal Activities.
Pick a character or two from the story and draw them. |
Construct a timeline of events in the story. (Storyboard) |
Use the dictionary to look up 6 words that you do not know and write their meaning. |
Write a blurb for the story. |
Make a cartoon strip showing part of the story. |
Compare two characters in the story. How are they similar? Different? |
Design a new eye catching front cover for the book. |
Write an alternative ending for the story. |
Write about your favourite part of the story and explain why. |
Make a fact file about one of the characters. |
Choose a page and write a list of all the adjectives. |
Design a poster to advertise the book. Tell the buyers why they should buy the book. |
Which character did you like the most? Explain why |
Choose a page and pick a descriptive word. Use a thesaurus to find 5 alternatives. |
Write a letter to the author telling them why you id or didn’t like their book. |
Draw a picture of where the story is set as you imagine it to be from the description in the book. |
Read a passage and list the words and phrases used to create an atmosphere. |
Write a new opening paragraph for the book. |
Design a wanted poster for a character in the story. Remember to describe them well. |
Choose a page and write down all the verbs on the page. |
Choose a page and write down all the nouns on the page. |
Rewrite a chapter of the book as a playscript. |
Pick a paragraph and rewrite it in the future tense. |
Which character would you like to be? Why? |
English Links - Oxford Owl.
E-Books to read!
You have been sent an email with the login details.
Spelling Activities
Use the list of red and orange words to keep up to date with your spellings.
Pyramid Spellings: Write out your spellings like this: s s p s p e s p e l s p e l l |
Backward Spellings: Write out your spellings forwards and then write them backwards. |
Other Hand Spellings: Write out your spellings twice with your right hand and twice with your left hand (neatly). |
Image Spellings: Draw a simple illustration next to each of your spellings – write the word too. |
Vowels and Consonant Spelling: Write out your spellings – highlight all the vowels one colour and all the consonants another. |
Story Spellings: Write a short, simple story that uses all of your spellings. |
Your Science video, filmed by the very talented Miss Birch, is in the Video Resource Centre - use the tabs down the side of the screen.
Do not do the experiment, this video shows you the experiment, for you to record.
After watching the BBC Bitesize clip and thinking about all of our previous work on dissolving, can you predict which materials will dissolve?
The results will be posted in a video later this week...!
Children are to come into school, in their PE kits on Thursdays for PE. PE kits consist of a white top, black pants or shorts and trainers. Please also provide a coat or a school jumper as we will be trying to have our PE lessons outside as much as possible.
This half term's theme is 'What Is Going On In My Head?'
We will be looking at:
Legends and Persuasive writing.
Place value, decimals and fractions, addition and subtraction, time and 2D shape.
Properties and Changes of Materials.
'Living on a Prayer'.
Motor Skills in PE.