
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).

St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details

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Home Page

Red Class

Welcome to Red Class


God wants me to be the best me I can be.

Welcome back everyone. We hope you had a fantastic Easter break. 

This term our topic is called "Bug life". We will be learning about a range of bugs and mini-beasts. 


Number fun day NSPCC fundraiser

This week we are learning about spiders.

Nursery spider fun

The cup tower challenge

Nursery maths long and short work

Nursery language work...

Friday outdoor learning

Week commencing: 19th April Welly Wednesday

Maths: long and short

Our bug hunt this morning on Welly Wednesday. 14.04.21

Reception have been learning about snails.

Our class tadpoles.

Art work in the snow on our first day back in April :-)

This week in maths we have been learning about weight. 12.04.21

The Red class team would like to wish you a Happy Easter. You have all worked incredibly hard. You are all amazing and have been the best that you can be!

The Feast of St. Joseph

World Book Day Part 2: The Three Little Pigs

Jack and the Beanstalk

Expressive art and design: Loose Parts Bean Art

Science Week: Inventions for the future

We put our inventions into a Time Capsule with Mrs Smith.

Nursery: Sorting activities

Reception Maths: Addition

Fabulous Phonics work

From Mrs Elder


We are so excited that you will all be coming back to school next Monday. We have missed you so much. So that we can prepare for you coming back there won't be on any online lessons on Friday. We will put some work on this page for you to do instead. Celebration assembly will be on Thursday at 2pm, not Friday. 


Take care and we can't wait to see you.


Still image for this video
This video was sent by the District Nurses to say thank you for the kind donations of 'treats', the beautiful cards and artwork from all of you and St. Peter's.

Message from Mrs Elder 


I would just like to say a big thank you for engaging so positively with the home learning. I have been amazed to see how brilliantly everyone has adapted. As a mum I know how hard it must be to try and organise home learning for your children so once again I just want to say thank you. 


If someone had told me a year ago that my staff would be teaching the children through Zoom I would not have believed them. However, we are here now and I am so proud of them all. They all have their own commitments outside of school and many have their own home schooling to deliver too. As a mum I now know more about GCSE maths than I ever did when I was at school! 


Thank you so much for your ongoing support, we are learning as you are and we are in this together. Hopefully it will not be for too much longer. As always please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions. 


Please take care and stay well. With God’s help we will see each other again soon.  

Please note the zooms are only for reception pupils not for nursery. Nursery can access activities on the class webpage. Thank you. 

Reading information 




If your child is in Reception, you should have all received the class login details by email to access the electronic reading books on the Oxford Owl website. Please let me know if you have any problems logging on or selecting the right books. 


Thank you and happy reading! :-) 



Next week is Be Yourself Week. Children in school can wear their own clothes and can have their own hairstyles. If you would like to do this at home that would be great. If you can send a picture, please do and we will display it in school. Remember it is winter and so we should not be able to see any tummies!

Week Commencing: 1st March 


Reception daily Timetable Starting from: Monday 1st March 2021



Where to find it.








Phonics play games


Usename: jan21


Password: home



Language session

(approximately 20 minutes)

with Mrs Scott 


Mrs Scott will email the link



10.00- 10.15am





Language follow on activity

Templates or tasks can be found on this web page. 



10.15-10.30 am






Maths lesson. 

Zoom Maths (approximately 20 minutes)

with Mrs Scott 



Mrs Scott will email the link







Maths follow up activity


See class webpage. 





Lunch time






1.00-1.30 pm

Tricky words on class page and free reading books on


On class web page.




1.30-2.00 pm

Free choice








Topic based activity

Farm Fun topic


On Class web page.


Storytime with Mrs Scott

Video on video resources centre: Red class. 

Our book for the week: Wake up time on Bumble Farm

Key Vocabulary

Monday 1st March


Language task: Look at the pictures in the document below. Can you decide which key word they are describing?

Ask a grown up for help if you need it. 



Practice counting forwards and backwards from 0-20, 20-0. 

Use a number line to help you. 




Watch the mini clips of the secret life of animals to learn more farm animal facts.


Make a list of some new facts you have learnt. 

Tuesday 2nd March


Language task: Draw your own images to match the key words from the book. 

Practice putting the words into a sentence. 

For example:


I am hungry today.

My bedroom is quiet. 




Using the interactive tens frame below. Practice making different amounts up to 10. If you click the button on the side it will give you 2 tens frames to practice making amounts up to 20.



To know the names of animal offspring


Watch the lesson below:

Wednesday 3rd March


Language task:

Share your sentences with the rest of the class during the zoom. 


Today we will be listening to the story "Wake -up time on Bumble Farm". 

Get ready to wave when you hear the key words in the story. 


Task: What animals do we meet in the story? Make a list and draw a picture to go with them. 




Play roll the dice with the interactive game:


You can alter the number range by clicking set up. 


Have a go at saying the numbers and making different amounts using objects at home. 

Thursday 4th March


Language task: 

Read the story again with a grown up. 


Talk about your experiences of farm animals. Have you been to a farm before? Have you seen some farm animals on television?



Write about your own experiences of farm animals. Don't worry if you haven't visited a farm before. 




Play curious George: More or less game (consolidation from this term)



To know what animal offspring need to grow.

Watch the video below.

Friday 5th March


Please note there will be no zooms today. Please see activities below. 


Language task:


Visit this link:


Play guess the farm animal sounds. Can you make some animal noises too?



Play the maths quiz at Cbeebies:



To appreciate the world around us and to notice spring time is approaching. 


Go on a walk with a grown up. What can you notice in your environment? Can you see any daffodils growing? Have you noticed a change in the weather?


Draw a picture about your walk. 



Say or write your own springtime prayer. 



Farm Fun Week Commencing: Monday 22nd February

Welcome back everyone. I hope you had a good break over half term. 

This term we are going to be starting our new topic about life on a farm and farm animals. 

I hope you enjoy it. 

Reception daily Timetable Starting from: Monday 22nd  February 2021



Where to find it.








Phonics play games


Usename: jan21


Password: home


Zoom phonics (approximately 20 minutes)

with Mrs Scott 


Mrs Scott will email the link



10.00- 10.15am





Consolidate new sound by writing it.


Practise blending new words. (See blending games ideas)

Model template can be found on the class web page for the new sounds or game ideas to play. 



10.15-10.30 am






Maths lesson. 

Zoom Maths (approximately 20 minutes)

with Mrs Scott 



Mrs Scott will email the link







Maths follow up activity


See class webpage. 





Lunch time






1.00-1.30 pm

Tricky words on class page and free reading books on


On class web page.




1.30-2.00 pm

Free choice








Topic based activity

Farm Fun topic


On Class web page.


Storytime with Mrs Scott

Video on video resources centre: Red class. 

Monday 22nd February



Today we will be looking at a new sound. It is a digraph and we call these sounds "special friends".

The sound is nk

It has two letters that make one sound. 

For your follow up activity today, practise reading the words on the mat. Underline the nk sound in the words if that will help you. 




This week in maths we will be focusing on shapes. 

Today we are going to be naming 2D shapes and using some key words to describe them. 

Look at the power point on everyday shapes. 

Your task: Draw and make a list of the everyday shapes you can see in your home.

Email it to Mrs Scott :-) 

Have lots of shape fun. 

Topic Monday:


  • What do you already know about farm animals?
  • Before we start this topic, let's see what you already know.
  • Email me some drawings or sentences about what you already know. 
  • Add some questions in about what you would like to find out during this topic. 

Tricky words

Dear Parents, if you haven't done so already, please can you send me a short video of your child reading their tricky words, so we can see where they are up to. Thank you :-) 
Tuesday 23rd February


Today we will be learning another digraph: ng 


Practise reading the words with the pictures. They are printable if you wish.


Play label the shape Alien game. Copy and paste the link below.

Topic Tuesday:


Watch the video and learn the names of some farm animals. Listen carefully to the noises that they make.


Task: Make a video of yourself making different animal noises. I will try to guess your animals. :-)

Wednesday 24th February

Phonics: Today we will be going over our new digraph sounds nk and ng.


We will be playing some word games to practise these sounds. 


Your follow on task will be to practise writing the sounds. See attached sheets. (These don't need to be printed, you an have a go on some paper that you have at home). 



Follow on activity: 

Play feed the monsters the shapes on topmarks


Shape patterns:

Wednesday Topic:

Today we are learning some more facts about animals that live on a farm. 

Watch the powerpoint.


Choose one animal to draw and write about. What have you learnt about your chosen animal?

Email your work to Mrs Scott: 

Thursday 25th February


Today we are going to be playing letter bingo. Prior to our lesson you will need to write out all the sounds we have learnt so far. You can print out or use the poster to help you write them out. 

This has all the first set of speed sounds on it. 


You can play this at home as your follow on activity too! 


How many sounds do you know? Email me your answer! 


Use the sheet to help you sort the shapes by using the properties in the table. 

You may need to have some shape pictures on the screen to help you. 


The key vocabulary is on the sheet for you to practise using. 

Topic Thursday

Today we are going to be doing some arts and crafts to do with farm animals. Here are some ideas below for you to have a go at, or you can make up something of your own. Have fun getting creative. 

Friday 26th February




Follow on activity: Practise writing all your speed sounds set 1. See the grid above. 


How many can you remember? See if you can beat your score. 





Describing 2D shapes. Describe the properties of the 2D shapes you know to someone else. Can they guess your shapes? 




This term we are learning about growth in nature and are going to be discovering ways in which things grow.  



Have a go at planting some cress or something similar that grows very quickly.  Focus on what is happening over time.



Celebration Assembly is at 2.00pm, please join us. 

Week Commencing 8th February 2021



This week we are focusing on "Chinese New Year" which is happening on Friday 12th February. 

We will look at the meaning of it and also look at ways they celebrate it. 


You will find lots of fun activities based around Chinese New Year including some creative and cooking ideas for you to enjoy at home. 

Reception daily Timetable Starting from: Monday 8th February 2021



Where to find it.








Phonics play games


Usename: jan21


Password: home


Zoom phonics (approximately 20 minutes)

with Miss Taylor


Miss Taylor will email the link



10.00- 10.15am





Consolidate new sound by writing it.


Practise blending new words. (See blending games ideas)

Model template can be found on the class web page for the new sounds.



10.15-10.30 am






Maths lesson. 

This week you will access your maths lessons via the Oak academy links (there will be no maths zooms)


See Class webpage for the link. 


No login required. 







Maths follow up activity


Part of Oak academy lesson time. 





Lunch time






1.00-1.30 pm

Tricky words on class page and free reading books on


On class web page.




1.30-2.00 pm

Free choice








Topic based activity

Chinese new year themed activities. 


On Class web page.


Storytime with Miss Taylor this week :-) 

Video on video resources centre: Red class. 

Monday 22nd February


Monday 8th February 2021




This week we are going to be playing lots of blending games and reading simple sentences together. 

Miss Taylor will be delivering a daily phonics zoom and will be recapping on our new digraphs. 

See your daily zoom link from Miss Taylor. 



Tricky words 


Please send a video recording if you can of your child reading their rocket tricky words. 


Language Session 


Our book of the week "Dragons in the City"




Monday's lesson

At 9.30 Watch the Read Write Inc lessons on the Youtube page  


set 1 x

Blending game ideas

Maths lessons for the week will be on Oak academy. 

The theme for this week is grouping and sharing. 


Monday 8th February


Tuesday 9th February


Wednesday 10th February.


Thursday 11th February


Friday 12th February




Topic work



Listen to the story "Dragons in the city" read by Miss Taylor.

Read the key words in the story.

Draw a picture of what you think the words mean? 

Email your work to:



Watch the video about Chinese New Year.


Make a poster of the new things you have learnt by watching this video. 



Complete the Chinese new year challenges.




Read and follow the instructions to make a paper lantern. 



This term we have been learning about celebrations. Hopefully this week you will have learned some new information about another culture. 

Read the power point and learn about different beliefs. 

Make a poster about your own beliefs.


Click on the link to access more maths games through cbeebies:

More maths games:

Optional activities: Make your own story wand.

Get outdoors:

Get active:

Invent your own games:

Pairs game with words and pictures.

What logos do you recognise? Draw your own.

Make your own fruity hungry caterpillar.

Make your own leaf number line in the snow.

Make your own letter game to practice matching upper and lower case letters.

Children's Mental Health Week 2021


Wellbeing Wednesday 


Join our Zoom at 2pm on Wednesday!

Links will be emailed out to join our fun afternoon Zoom to mark Children's Mental Health week. 


Our theme this week.......


Week Commencing 1st February 2021


We have lots of exciting activities planned for this week smiley


Please find attached a weekly timetable with planned activities and all resources for this week. 



This week we will continue our phonics work, learning new letter sounds and recapping on previous sounds we have learnt over the past week. 



We will continue our "More" and "Fewer" work but this week we will focus on numbers.

Finding one less and one more to each given number. 



We will continue our Arctic topic, focusing on polar bears this week which is very exciting yes

Language session 


Our book of the week is " Elmer in the snow "






This week we will focus on new letter sounds

nk, ng and qu



We will also assess letter sounds we learnt last week. 

sh, th and ch



Here are some CV amd CVC words for you to practice at home.




Monday 1st February 2021







Today we will look at finding one more to a given number.

Watch out for the cheeky monkey smiley

(Zoom led activity)




See if you can find one more and one less to a given number. 

Use the resources available smiley

(see attached below) 





Can you find out information about different Arctic animals.

Use the resources available to see what interesting facts you can learn about each animal. 




Choose your favourite animal and draw a picture. 






Tuesday 2nd February 2021





Language session 






Today we will focus on finding one less to a given number. 

Watch out for that cheeky monkey smiley

(Zoom led activity)



Activity one 

Complete the task using numbers to 20. 

Use the number line to help you. 




Activity 2 



When you have finished researching Arctic animals, see if you can complete the sorting activity. (see resources attached) 


Wednesday 3rd January 2021






Language session




Using the resources available. 

Can you draw a representation of each key vocabulary to show its meaning. 

e.g. Sneaking- a picture of someone sneaking out the house. 



Putting our learning to the test smiley

Today we will look at finding one more and one less using numbers.

We will use a number line to help us. 




Complete the short task below. 

Use the numberline to help you. 



Creative afternoon 

Can you create your own polar bear?


Have lots of fun being creative wink


Thursday 4th January 2021







Language session 




To draw and discuss your favourite part of the story. 




Today we will look at more numbers finding one more and one less.

(Zoom led activity)



Here are some activities for you to complete following our lesson today smiley



Friday 5th February 2021






 Putting our learning to the test laugh

(Zoom led activity) 




See resources below 


Religious Education


Topic: Celebration




This term our focus is celebrations.

We have looked at different celebrations and discussed how we celebrate each one. 


This week I would like you to research a celebration that may be new to you for example, 

Chinese new year, Diwali and many others.

See what fun things you can find and what new things you can learn. 

Please send me your work through my email (see top of web page) laugh

Additional resources 


Here are some more resources for you to complete.


Please see attached a range of extra activities based on our learning this week smiley

Week Commencing- Monday 25th January 2021


We have lots of exciting activities planned this week. 


This week we are going to extend our learning on penguins.

You will find lots of fun activities based on penguins to link to our Chilly Artic theme for this term. smiley




Our book of the week for our language sessions




Monday 25th January 2021

We are going to learn a new set of letter sounds this week. 


This include sh, th, ch. 





This week we are going to learn and understand the meaning of 'more' and 'fewer' of different amounts. 


Attached you will find an interactive power point to help introduce 'more' and 'fewer'. 


We have to help Teddy at his toy shop. He needs us to find which toys has more and which toys has fewer items. 



Activity one 

See what interesting facts you can find out about Penguins.

(see power point attached) 


Make a mind map or fact file based on what you have learnt about penguins.  


Activity two

Label the penguin using the correct keywords.



Tuesday 26thJanuary 2021





Attached you will find an activity with different maths cards. 

See if you can identify which has more and which has fewer. 







Creative afternoon 


Have fun getting creative this afternoon. 

Here are some ideas of how to make a Penguin.




Wednesday 27th January 2021

Today we are going to look at the key vocabulary for our class story this week. 



Phonics activity


Feed the penguin using the phase 1 letter sounds.

(see attached)




To continue our 'more' and 'fewer' learning, here is an activity for you to identify which has more or less than. 

(see attached below)


Creative/ Musical afternoon 


Time for a fun afternoon with arts and crafts. 

(see attached)


Sing a long  

Attached below you will find some songs based on penguins to link to our theme this week. 

Language session 


Thursday 28th January 2021



Today we will read the story and look at the key vocabulary. 




Can you draw and write about your favourite part of the story. 





Activity: Feeding Flippy 


Using your phonics skills, we need to help Flippy. 

You need to blend each word and read it correctly before feeding Flippy the penguin. 





Practical lesson (using visualiser) 


Today we are going to continue our comparison work with more and fewer. However, today are main focus will be 'same' and 'equal' to. 


We will look at different quantities that have the same amount.

You will identify when groups of the same object have the same amount.  


Key Vocabulary 

- Same 

- Equal 


Language Session

Friday 29th January 2021



Role- play

Today you can use the resources available to re-tell the story in your own words. 






Today we are going to recap our number work from last week.

 Resources available for you to practise your numbers. (see attached)



Today we will check our understanding of numbers and quantities. 



Attached you will find a matching game.

You have to match the correct number to the right amount of penguins. Remember to count them carefully. 

Religious Education 


This week we continue our celebration topic. 


I would like you to choose your favourite celebration this could include any of the following examples,  

> Birthdays 

> Weddings

> Christenings

> Chinese new year 

You may have other examples which you would like to choose for this activity. 



Can you draw and write about your favourite celebrations. 


Additional resources available 


Please find attached some extra resources available for you to access at home. 

You will find a mixture of activities based on different subjects. wink

Week Commencing: 18th January 2021

Revision of our new sounds

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Our book of the week for our language sessions

Key vocabulary from our story

Matching language words to example pictures

Tricky words for the week

Monday 18th January resources

Part part whole work

This week we are learning about other animals that live in cold places. Read the polar bear facts.

Story time with Mrs Scott on video resource centre.
Tuesday 19th January 

Ways of making 5 Maths Tuesday

Learn more about the arctic.

Make your own Arctic scene. This is one we have made in class.

Wednesday 20th January 

Design and make your own polar bear.

Thursday 21st January

R.E Talk about a special birthday you have celebrated. Design a birthday cake of your own.

Celebrations Topic


Design and make your own party. 


Play some traditional party games at home: musical bumps, statues etc. 


 Have a quiet moment together to reflect on and appreciate the joy of celebrating together.




Friday 22nd January 

Friday Maths-Our Silly number fun with Miss Goodwin. 

Get ready because your going to get very active! 

 Dough Disco!!!!

Instead of topic work for our Friday session this week, we will be doing dough disco with Shonette as part of our fine motor work. 


If you want to take part in the dough disco session, you will need a small ball of dough or playdoh. 

(you can make your own). 


The link is below:



Activity from maths lesson today example. Friday 8th January

Words to practice reading from reception phonics session today

Phonics lesson r from today

Reception daily Timetable Starting from: Monday 11th January 2021



Where to find it.








Phonics play games


Usename: jan21


Password: home


Zoom phonics (approximately 20 minutes)


Mrs Scott to email the link.



10.00- 10.15am





Consolidate new sound by writing it.


Practise blending new words.

Model template can be found on the class web page for the new sounds.



10.15-10.30 am






Maths Zoom (approximately 20 minutes)


Mrs Scott to email the link.








Maths follow up activity



On class web page.





Lunch time






1.00-1.30 pm

Tricky words on class page and free reading books on


On class web page.




1.30-2.00 pm

Free choice








Topic based activity



On Class web page.


Class teacher or teaching assistant reading a story


Video on class web page.


Monday 11th January resources

Phonics handwriting sheet optional for the letter j

Snake stripes counting activity for Monday's maths lesson follow up activity.

Our tricky words this week to read and spell.

This week we are going to be learning about penguins. Watch the power point by the Go Jetters. They are visiting the continent of Antartica. You may need a grown up to read it with you. 


Task: Draw a mini fact file or spider diagram of what you have learnt. 

Story time with Mrs Scott

Still image for this video
Tuesday 12th January resources

Phonics handwriting sheet optional for the letter v

Counting with Pip the penguin Tuesday's maths follow on activity.

Pictures from the maths activity in the classroom

Being imaginative: Learn this song and perform it. Get a grown up to record you so that it can be sent to your teacher.

Today's story time with Mrs Scott can be viewed on the video resource link. 

Go to the tab children, then select video resource centre.


The story today is the Runaway Pea by Kjartan Poskitt and Alex Willmore. 

Wednesday 13th January resources

Phonics handwriting sheet optional for the letter y

Eye spy: Maths lesson follow on activity.

 Please note you do not need to print this. You can zoom out (50%) to view if you wish on screen. 

Topic: Learn how to draw your own penguin.

Thursday 14th January resources

Phonics handwriting sheet optional for the letter w

Maths follow on activity: Number writing practise. 


More or less than activity

This week in R.E, we are discovering what a celebration is and how people celebrate. Look at the pictures on the powerpoint and talk about them. 

Make a list of all the things you celebrate or draw pictures. 


Story time with Mrs Scott

Still image for this video
Friday 15th January resources

Phonics handwriting sheet optional for the letter z

Make your own number hearts to match quantities.

Talk about an exciting adventure you have been on. Draw or write about it.


Story time with Mrs Scott

Still image for this video

Physical activity: 


Cosmic Yoga:

Nursery Section

Suggested activities for the week.



to access a range of free and exciting books. 



This is a fantastic website for lots of home learning ideas for your little ones. 

Help with Mobile Data


If you do not have fixed broadband at home and cannot afford additional data for your devices, we may be able to apply on your behalf to temporarily increase your data allowance while your child cannot attend school.


The scheme is currently available on the following networks: Three, Smarty, Virgin Mobile, EE, Tesco Mobile and Sky Mobile. Other providers may join the scheme in the future.


In order to apply on your behalf, we will need to know:


  • the name of the account holder
  • the number of the mobile device
  • the mobile network of that device (for example Three)


You cannot apply directly, all applications must be made through school.


We also have a small supply of Vodafone data only SIMs which can provide 30GB to use for 90 days. These can be used on a smart laptop/dongle or a smartphone. If your phone is locked to another network, you would need to contact your provider to request for your phone to be unlocked. You would also not be able to use your phone to make calls/texts while using the data SIM.


If you would like to take up either of these options, please respond to my email address. If you are interested in us applying to increase your data allowance, you must provide the information set out above. If you are interested in a Vodafone data only SIM, this would need to be collected from school.

Important information. 

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

                                              as you will be aware our school will be delivering remote online learning for our pupils. Please note the Red class zooms are for Reception pupils only, nursery are not required to take part in online zooms. 


If parents would like to collect a home learning pack for either nursery or reception pupils, they will be available to collect from Tuesday 5th January from the school office. 

Alternatively, I will be putting some activities for all pupils on this class page. Please try to complete some of the tasks. They can be emailed to me at:


If you haven't emailed your email address, please can you do so if you are a parent of  a reception pupil as the links for the zoom meetings will be sent via email. 


Thank you for your support :-) 


Online learning timetable for Zooms. 

Dear Parents, this is the revised remote learning timetable for the different classes. They will commence from Wednesday 6th January. 



 9.00-9.30 Blue and Purple Class Zooms


9.30-10.00 Red and Green Class Zooms


10.00-10.30 Yellow Class Zoom


10.30-11.00 Red and Green Class Zooms


11.00-11.30 Blue and Purple Class Zooms


11.30-12.00 Yellow Class Zoom 


Remote learning tasks are below for our new topic: 
The Chilly Arctic
Our Class topic this term is called "The chilly arctic". To begin with this week, we are going to be learning about Winter. Check out the activities below to learn more about this. 

Read about Winter...

Make your own Winter fact file. Draw about your experiences of the snow in the holidays. You can add photographs if you like. 

Get creative! Design your own hats and scarfs. You don't need to print the document below, it is just an example. You can make your own.

Make your own snowflakes.


Snowflake counting


Watch the counting video.


Practise counting to 20. 

Merry Christmas from Red Class!


Click the link below to watch our Christmas performance...

What did the animals think about the birth of Jesus?

Still image for this video

This term our topic is celebrations. This week we have been learning about bonfire night traditions. 

We have had a great time learning this week indoors and outdoors. 

Our firework pictures

Experimenting with pipes and conkers.

Red classes remembrance display.

Click here for activities you can do with your

parents/carers to help you with online safety at home


Friday 23rd October 2020


Good morning Red Class. 
Let’s start today with some fun


After watching the video, practise writing the sounds we have learnt in class so far: 


m a s d t i n o p g

Can you make any three letter words with these letters? 
e.g. mat   dog   

Can you make your own pumpkin bingo game?

Spooky potions

Can you make your own potion?


What will you put in it? Make a list. 
Get a grown up to help you get the things you need. 
Find some bowls and safe utensils. 
Add some water-food colouring if you have some. 
You can also do this activity outside or in the sink. 

What will your potion do? Turn you into a frog a princess or something else? 🙂

I look forward to seeing your spooky creations. 

Wednesday 21st October and Thursday 22nd October


Hello everyone. For the next two days I am adding some activities that you can pick and choose from to give you more flexibility. 
Please don’t feel the need to print out any of the suggested sheets you can make your own up if you don’t have a printer at home. 



This booklet has lots of reading and listening activities to choose from. Pick some that you like.

Some great ideas for make believe play...

Ideas of helping around the home...


Please follow the link:


Start lessons 5 and 6 around counting.

Tuesday 20th October 2020

Good morning everyone. I hope you enjoyed the Elmer activities yesterday? 
Please continue to email me this week with any work you have done at:


Today we are going to be thinking about friendship and what makes a good friend. 




Make your own poster of how you can be a good friend.

Monday 19th October 2020


Good morning Red Class. Unfortunately our class bubble has had to close today. I am going to be putting some fun things on our class page so please take a look and have a go at some of the activities.


Today we are going to be listening to the story of Elmer. 


Click on the link below to listen to the story by David Mckee.





Design your own Elmer

In the story, we learn that Elmer is unique and different from all the other elephants in his herd.


Write a list of what makes you unique. 



Lesson 1:Colour, size and patterns

Understanding the world lesson:


How to be a good friend. Listen to the story:

Listen to this amazing video about hedgehogs...

Still image for this video

Home Learning Day 8: Thursday 15th October


Task 1: Practise some of the sounds we have learnt so far and play this game:


Task 2: Play underwater counting:


What number can you count up to?

How many objects can you count accurately?


Task 3: 

Have a go at making a 3D pumpkin. 

Home Learning Day 7: Wednesday 14th October


Well-being Day


Task 1:

 Help a grown up make a healthy snack for yourself. 


Task 2: 

Put some relaxing music on and close your eyes. Think about the breathing exercises we have been learning in class. Have some quiet time to think about what you like and who you care about.


Task 3: Draw a picture of all your favourite things.


Task 4: Help a grown up clean up. This may be tidying your toys or your bedroom.


Task 5: Make a card for someone you love to cheer them up. 


Home Learning Day 6: Tuesday 13th October


Task 1: Watch Alphablocks lesson on blending words together


Task 2: Maths lessons 7 and 8


Task 3: Music


This is Me Music lesson


Task 4: Learn about woodland habitats



Home Learning Day 5: Monday 12th October


Good morning Red Class. Thank you so much for your fantastic work your parents have been emailing me. I have loved seeing all your bats!


Today we are going to be learning a bit more about the season: Autumn.



Task 1: Visit this website to dress Lecky the Alien for the different types of weather/seasons.

Talk about why Lecky needs to wear different items of clothing depending on the weather and season.


Task 2: 

Read the power point about Autumn. 

Draw all the things you like about Autumn.


Task 3:


Maths lessons 4 and 5 (continued from last week)


Task 4:


Watch our phonics lesson on our new sound "O"





Home Learning Day 4


Good morning Red Class. Happy Friday! 
I hope you enjoyed learning about nocturnal animals yesterday. 
Today we are learning about bats. 

Task 1 

Research what a real bat looks like and where they live. 

Task 2

Read some fact cards about bats. 


Fact cards about bats

Make your own bats



Todays maths lessons are lessons 2 and 3 followed on from the sorting session 1

Click on the link below for lesson 2:


Lesson 3 will precede the second lesson. 





Note to parents: 


Thank you so much to everyone who sent me their work yesterday by email. It was great seeing all your photographs. Well done for having a go. 


Parents please don’t feel overwhelmed by the packs sent home. We just wanted to provide a range of activities in case people did not have access to printers. There is no expectation to complete the whole pack. Alternatively, your child can access these activities instead on our class page or do a mixture 😀

Home Learning Day 3


Thursday 8th October 


Today we are going to be learning about nocturnal animals. 
Watch the video by clicking on the link:


More information about nocturnal animals



Draw and label your favourite nocturnal animal. 

Play the what can you see game...



Watch and complete the maths lesson on sorting. 
This is really fun.

Home Learning Day 2

Wednesday 7th October 


Hello Red Class.
Your first task today is to learn about hedgehogs. Read the slides about hedgehogs and make your own fact book about them. 

Remember to email  pictures of your work to:

Autumn themed maths activity for the morning...

Hedgehog art

Be creative and make your own hedgehog! I can’t wait to see them. 

Home Learning Day 1


Tuesday 6th October 


Good morning Red Class. I hope you are all ok. 
Today I would like you to practise writing your name and your numbers. You can find some number activities in your home learning pack. 


Make your own Autumn picture

Collect some leaves from your garden and make a picture or collage with them.

Design your own pumpkin


         Welcome to Red Class

The staff in Red class are: 
Mrs Scott Class Teacher and Deputy Head

Miss Goodwin & Miss Colak Teaching Assistants




Red Class have had a great start and have loved their first few days last week. All the children have had the opportunity to explore our indoor and outdoor classrooms. 

All children have been given a peg with their names on to help them recognise the letters in their names. 


Important Information


In the mornings children are asked to put their purple book bags in the box provided and their packed lunches in the basket. We encourage children to bring flat book bags, no rucksacks please as we have limited space to store these. 


On Thursdays and Fridays,  Red class will take part in a P.E session with the Accrington Stanley trained coaches. Please can your child come to school dressed in their P.E kits. This should consist of:

  • a plain white T-shirt
  • black shorts/joggers for cooler weather
  • black pumps (no trainers please)
  • Children can wear their school jumper/cardigan over the top of their PE kits. 


From Friday, Reception pupils will be sent home with a homework task and a set of key words to learn to read. The children will be tested on the words every Wednesday. Please can you help your child learn these words. 

Children will be sent home reading books soon. 


This term our topic is "Amazing Me". The children will be talking about themselves, their families, likes and dislikes, pets and things that interest them. 



As the weather is so unpredictable and is  getting colder, please ensure your child brings to school a warm hat and gloves. 



If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to speak to a member of the team. 







