
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).

St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details

The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be

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Prayer Leaders

God wants me to be the best me I can be as  


Prayer Leaders

Our Prayer Leaders lead prayer and worship across the school. They attend training in the diocese and lead prayer in assembly. Prayer leaders also visit each class to encourage the children to develop their faith.  They are identified through their Prayer Leader Sweaters.

 Well done to this year’s new prayer leaders Amy, Charlie, Daphne, Emily, Lola and Marni. They will be joining Heidi, Nicola, Morgan and Joshua.  Together we will continue on our faith journey.

Meet our Prayer Leaders 2024-2025

Prayer leader workshops

Prayer Leader Training at All Saints High School


The month of the Holy Rosary

Throughout October we will be teaching children how and why we say the Rosary.

Nomination Jars

The Prayer leaders have given each class a nomination jar. Children and teachers can nominate anyone who they think has really shown our Christian/ school values.

Remembrance art work and prayers

Remembrance activities

Bible Sessions 

Each week the prayer leaders hold a bible drop in session for Y2 and upwards.

Power of Prayer - St Joseph’s welcomed St Francis RC primary Gorton
