Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.
If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).
St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details
The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be
Safer Internet Day 2022
For Safer Internet Day we talked about respect and relationships online. We discussed how to behave online and agreed that we should always be kind and not hurt people’s feelings - just as we behave offline, at school and at home.
The children listened to a story ‘Digiduck and the Magic Castle’. This taught them about how important it is to keep your passwords secret, never to share them and always ask a trusted adult to download any games because they may take money without you knowing.
We talked about avatars on games and how we create them to protect our identity as you should not put photographs or personal details about yourself online. The children then designed their own avatars.
Year 1 - Grouping and Sorting
To sort items using a range of criteria. Sorting items on the computer using 'Grouping' activities. We are sorting objects by colour, the number of sides or size depending on the type of objects being sorted.
Year 2 - Coding
To understand what an algorithm is and create a computer program using an algorithm.
An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions used to solve a problem or achieve an objective. A clear algorithm can help create code that does what it is supposed to do.
Plan an algorithm that includes collision detection.
Create a program that uses collision detection.
Read blocks of code and predict what will happen when it is run.