Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.
If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).
St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details
The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be
The National Curriculum assessments, or SATs, can seem daunting, but understanding them can ease concerns. SATs are national and standardised tests taken by children in Year 6 in England. SATs assess the knowledge and skills in Mathematics, English Reading, and Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling (GPS).
Held every May, the 2025 Key Stage 2 SATs run from Monday, May 12th, to Thursday, May 15th.
The purpose of Key Stage 2 SATs is to measure your child's academic progress and the school's performance. SATs results are passed on to your child's secondary school to help their new school set a baseline for progress measurement and often place them into suitable sets or streams in Year 7.
SATs Subjects