
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people. We expect all
staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or
welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Mrs M Scott
(Designated Safeguarding Lead), or Miss Barry or Mrs Sanderson
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).

St Joseph’s participates in Operation Encompass.
Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse,
school will be advised that the child has been involved.
Please see school website for further details

The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be

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Covid-19 update: school actions

The latest advice from the Government is that pupils should stay home from school if they display the following symptoms:

• a high temperature (37.8 degrees and above) and/or

• a new, continuous cough

Also, if one person in any household has a persistent cough or fever, everyone living there must stay at home for 14 days.


School continues to remain open, but we would ask parents to be vigilant and not to send children to school if they display either of the symptoms above. Such absences will be authorised. School cannot give medical advice to individual families.


If children have to self-isolate, they will be able to access work through their class page on the school website, but while school remains open, teachers’ priority must be teaching the children who are in school. If you need a paper copy of the work, please telephone school and this will be prepared for you to collect from the school office.


We are continuing with enhanced hygiene methods in school, which includes teaching children the importance of thorough handwashing for 20 seconds and increased cleaning of keyboards, door handles etc.


Celebration assembly will be cancelled until further notice. Breakfast and After School Clubs are running as normal. Year 5 children will still go swimming.


As I am sure you can appreciate, this is an ever-changing situation, which we are managing by following advice from Public Health England and the Department For Education. As parents you must also do the same and we will respect any decisions to self-isolate based on the above information. NHS111 online is also useful if you require further advice.


If the situation changes we will let you know as soon as possible. Please ensure we have your latest mobile phone number as we will use the text system to communicate.

